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Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

Post with image

This is example test with image, and using automatic read more javacript version which you can see the script controlled image thumbnail and automatic resize image too. This is example post with an image, you can see in main page this image will automatic resize in width 150px and height 160px, but in item page the image will resize in normal image scale. Simple box template integrated with automatic read more, you don't have to using code or in Edit HTML mode just publish your post in Compose mode and voilaa.. your post will have a read more.Simple box template have 3 column in footer section, you can use that column.
This is example test with image, and using automatic read more javacript version which you can see the script controlled image thumbnail and automatic resize image too. This is example post with an image, you can see in main page this image will automatic resize in width 150px and height 160px, but in item page the image will resize in normal image scale. Simple box template integrated with automatic read more, you don't have to using code or in Edit HTML mode just publish your post in Compose mode and voilaa.. your post will have a read more.Simple box template have 3 column in footer section, you can use that column.

6 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

simple blog" nice

Lina Gustina mengatakan...

Good info, thanks!
Happy weekend, Guruh...

Anonim mengatakan...

blogwalking here n have a nice weekend :)

Anonim mengatakan...

ak udah follow sobat, di tunggu kunjugan baliknya :)

Real - Mistery ™ mengatakan...

nice post...

Dilla AS mengatakan...

salam kenal,
memang akan jauh lebih menarik jika postingan diberi gambar.

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