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Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Music Matters – The Universal Symphony

Music is mystic. Think about it, it's really amazing that the music that some people in some parts of the world can actually have an impact on someone else in another part of the world, arranged in a different setting with different virtues and values​​. There must be something in common between these two people make one understand the art of others. It makes music a universal language.

Music is one of the identity of each civilizacije.Kakvu type of music they listen to and play, say a lot about their culture. Whether it's blues in the U.S. and Carnatic songs in southern India ... pulls out a piece of time.

This is one of unification of the factors that bind us, in the sense that it proves that we are all from a common source. This is one of the deepest impression in one's life. It brings joy and sorrow, he has the power to inspire and destroy. All over our existence, the music is a soulful company.

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